понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

commercial dallas deep fryer texas

Characters: Melayna
Time: ---
Location: San Diego, California
Rating: None
Thread Status: Closed

Time never stood still for someone like Melayna. She was seven the day she started running and her feet have made haste ever since. Weather she was bearing forward or eluding danger, the reason for her actions was always the same. The man in her nightmares was always the same. To think she had once allowed herself to lay with such a demon; to bare a child with such a monster. It turned her insides out and exposed all her pain and humiliation for the world to see. He had murdered her parents. A cold blood killing as she silently watched from her hiding place. A scared, seven year old girl, witnessing her new obsession, Davidson, savagely turn her into an orphan.

She had wanted blood. From the moment he had found her beneath the desk. From the second the sound of gunfire and dispatch had faded into the background and the smell of a womanapos;s brain matter had become nothing more then a musty tickle in her nose. She had wanted blood, and she had wanted his.

Melayna trained, hunted, studied....she was a walking, talking case file on Davidson himself. Years flew by in a blur of new cities with new faces. Nothing ever stayed the same for long and again sheapos;d be running. Always two steps behind. Until the day something forced her to stop and in that second, in that tiny moment of fresh air and new perspective, heapos;d captured her. All those years of vengeance nibbling at her very core drew to a head and burst forth in a savage night of copulation and claret. It wasnapos;t until the children came that Melayna realized just how long sheapos;d been standing still.

Two children; two men. A daughter, Constance, just as dark and sinister as the father who helped create her. And a son, Salem, just as pure as the driven snow. His fathers name was Oz. A wolf like Melayna and the only thing in twenty long years to ever avert her attention from the demon she hunted. Melayna loved them, the children, like sheapos;d never loved anything before or ever would anything after....and he had killed them. Just as he had taken her parents, Davidson had also taken her children.

Melayna was once again running. Leaving Oz, and a love she would forever long for, behind. The pain was to deep. The thirst for vengeance once again to strong to deny. She hunted and he allowed it. Davidson never bored of this game and now that he had refueled Melaynaapos;s slowly dying fire he was savoring it more then ever. When he heard of Salemapos;s return to earth the game was almost to good to be true. If he could heapos;d kill her over and over again without ever laying another finger on her. All he had to do was show her. So he had led the way and as always, Melayna followed. Followed him straight to San Diego, California. Straight to Salem.

Her mind denied all Davidsons claims. Her son was dead, sheapos;d seen it with her own two eyes. But her heart...her heart ached and called out for some truth in his deception. She had to know. And so, leaving Davidson behind, she sought out her son. Searched for him the only way a mother knows how to search for her lost boy....with love. A tool Davidson would never own. She would find Salem first, and protect him. Melayna vowed to not make the same mistakes again.

If Salem lived, he would continue living. Even if she did not.

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