понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Characters: Melayna
Time: ---
Location: San Diego, California
Rating: None
Thread Status: Closed

Time never stood still for someone like Melayna. She was seven the day she started running and her feet have made haste ever since. Weather she was bearing forward or eluding danger, the reason for her actions was always the same. The man in her nightmares was always the same. To think she had once allowed herself to lay with such a demon; to bare a child with such a monster. It turned her insides out and exposed all her pain and humiliation for the world to see. He had murdered her parents. A cold blood killing as she silently watched from her hiding place. A scared, seven year old girl, witnessing her new obsession, Davidson, savagely turn her into an orphan.

She had wanted blood. From the moment he had found her beneath the desk. From the second the sound of gunfire and dispatch had faded into the background and the smell of a womanapos;s brain matter had become nothing more then a musty tickle in her nose. She had wanted blood, and she had wanted his.

Melayna trained, hunted, studied....she was a walking, talking case file on Davidson himself. Years flew by in a blur of new cities with new faces. Nothing ever stayed the same for long and again sheapos;d be running. Always two steps behind. Until the day something forced her to stop and in that second, in that tiny moment of fresh air and new perspective, heapos;d captured her. All those years of vengeance nibbling at her very core drew to a head and burst forth in a savage night of copulation and claret. It wasnapos;t until the children came that Melayna realized just how long sheapos;d been standing still.

Two children; two men. A daughter, Constance, just as dark and sinister as the father who helped create her. And a son, Salem, just as pure as the driven snow. His fathers name was Oz. A wolf like Melayna and the only thing in twenty long years to ever avert her attention from the demon she hunted. Melayna loved them, the children, like sheapos;d never loved anything before or ever would anything after....and he had killed them. Just as he had taken her parents, Davidson had also taken her children.

Melayna was once again running. Leaving Oz, and a love she would forever long for, behind. The pain was to deep. The thirst for vengeance once again to strong to deny. She hunted and he allowed it. Davidson never bored of this game and now that he had refueled Melaynaapos;s slowly dying fire he was savoring it more then ever. When he heard of Salemapos;s return to earth the game was almost to good to be true. If he could heapos;d kill her over and over again without ever laying another finger on her. All he had to do was show her. So he had led the way and as always, Melayna followed. Followed him straight to San Diego, California. Straight to Salem.

Her mind denied all Davidsons claims. Her son was dead, sheapos;d seen it with her own two eyes. But her heart...her heart ached and called out for some truth in his deception. She had to know. And so, leaving Davidson behind, she sought out her son. Searched for him the only way a mother knows how to search for her lost boy....with love. A tool Davidson would never own. She would find Salem first, and protect him. Melayna vowed to not make the same mistakes again.

If Salem lived, he would continue living. Even if she did not.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

beginning bodybuilding routines

Ughhh what a draining week...and its not even over yet.

First off, I would like to say, its getting pretty fucking cold. This weather is like California...during december...at night. Somebody please�turn the sun on high

Iapos;ve been working�a wayyyy lot.�I currently work 24 hours a week at the music store, and 16 hours at the nursing home. Its hard to be a full time employee and maintain the responsiblities of a full time student anddd� also finding time to chill with friends. It sucks, but I have like a million bills to keep up with. Also its been taking me away from the party scene. Which is good I�guess. Because God knowsss I donapos;t have a reefer here in CT lol. So it saves me the trouble of finding one.

On top of that, I�got a letter yesterday from my insurance stating that 2 people from the accident are claiming auto damage, and 4 people are claiming injury. If the amount exceeds $100,000, they wont pay it. Its funny how no one was hurt at the time of the accident, but now everyones acting like theyapos;re dying. Its whatevs though.

Ohhh the funniest thing happened at Colony Lanes in Walingford So it was probably about 10 p.m. And Joe, Bethany, Blaine, Amber, Kayla, Sal, and me were working on our second game. I had to go to the bathroom, and when I got there, the 2 end stalls were locked, but the middle one was slightly open. So I�figured no one was in there, but when I�went to open the door, some girl was in the middle of pouring vodka into a half empty 3 liter bottle of Pepsi. She just stood there like a deer in headlights, so I pretended to work there and told her if she didnapos;t give it to me, her and whoever she was with would have to get out. AHAHAHAA. Free drinks for us Good thing she didnapos;t notice us bowling on the other side of the alley. Good times....

Iapos;ve got stuff to do.
Peace easy<3

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Quarantine was somewhat disappointing.� Not that it was terrible (surprisingly enough), but most of the scary moments were contained in the trailers.� And there was one supposedly scary scene, which ended up being incredibly absurd and amusing (if youapos;ve seen it, the toddler scene made me giggle incessantly).� But really, it was decent.� It just wasnapos;t anything particularly special or creative.� The pretend documentary-style horror flick is kind of overdone for the time being.

Iapos;m hoping to get around to see Max Payne this coming week, even though itapos;s based off of a video game.� And really, movies have a difficult enough time trying to be great without also having to transition from a video game.� The "army of bodies" trailer, with If I Was Your Vampire by Marilyn Manson made the decision for me though.

And Quantum of Solace is coming

Other than that, Iapos;m not all that sure whatapos;s upcoming on the movie schedule.� Maybe Zack and Miri Make a Porno.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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As Iapos;m writing this journal, Iapos;m waiting for the phone call that will tell me my grandfather has died. Its around 6 am here in Michigan and Iapos;ve been up for the last three hours since my dad called me and told me that my grandpa probably wouldnapos;t make it through the night.

Iapos;ve been sitting at the computer going through every bookmark I have saved on my browser trying to keep my mind occupied.� I havenapos;t stopped to think about the fact that my grandpa is on his death bed and I�donapos;t plan to until I get home later today, which Iapos;ll be doing in a few hours. �

That may sound a bit insensitive, but I�know if I stop to let it sink in now, Iapos;ll never make it home.� This whole thing is going to hit me really hard and I donapos;t wanna give it the chance until Iapos;m ready for it.� So hear I am at livejournal......blogging....

When I signed in it told me that I havenapos;t updated livejournal in 63 weeks.� Thats a long time.� I�more or less forgot I�had this until stumbling on it in my bookmarks a few minutes ago.� I�suppose I couldnapos;t even list the was Iapos;ve changed in that 63 weeks.� Though sometimes I feel like thereapos;s an equally long list of the ways Iapos;ve found that Iapos;ll never change.� A randomly nostalgic thought I guess.

Iapos;ve been sitting here not doing much, certainly not sleeping, for the last three hours.� The impending death of a close relative gives you an interesting perspective on your life, especially when your hours away and unable to go give your last respects.�

Iapos;ve discovered a whole kind of frustrating.� Iapos;ve never felt so useless.....just sitting here waiting for my grandpa to die.� I spent an hour writing explanation e-mails to professors about why Iapos;d be missing class today and why some papers might be late.� I spent a good chunk of that hour writing an e-mail in spanish to my spanish prof.� A foreign language e-mail about a topic iapos;ve never had to discuss in spanish, while iapos;m doing my best not to cry might be one of the most frustrating things Iapos;ve ever done.�

Anyway, I donapos;t really remember how livejournal works, and if posting this will send out "hey your super awesome friend just wrote a journal" alerts to anyone.� I�donapos;t even know whoapos;d be getting those e-mails to be honest.� So I guess Iapos;ll close with this:

If you stubbled here, then welcome to a small excerpt from my life, if you were dragged here by an e-mail alert, then I apologize.� But hopefully you found something here worth reading.

God Bless,

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